Something I am used to... Back when I was younger we always had piggies too. Along she is named, Ms. Piggie, she will be bacon at some point sooner or later.. Hmmmm baccccooonnn! :)

awww! Ms. Piggie liked to be scratched... looks like someone is attached... uh oh!

I liked this picture a lot because it said something when I looked at it later that day. It makes me see the relationship between a pig and humans. The pig is in a fenced in area eating the left overs from Thanksgiving and the humans are free on the outside to go and do what every they pleased.

Saturday after Thanksgiving we went to Rockport, MA. This was a old granite quary. Its pretty sweet!

Silly me I didn't bring a tripod. So I used what God gave me. I used some rocks to prop the camera on and shot with a real low iso and shutter speed. Came out pretty cool. They waves were just amazing. Easily could have died if you were swept away in that stuff.

So this is Arie on the left and Willum on the right. They were being boys playing on the cool looking rocks. Notice the sky... very dark. The wind started picking up and eventually it started hailing! It was painful, but we all eventually ran our way to the car and continued on our journey in Rockport. Notice the next picture was taken a half hour after this picture... Crazy weather! (I can't figure out how to un-underline this)...

I really like this picture, it says something about nature and people. Its pretty bad that animals know to go to the trashcans for garbage... Notice the sweet lobster boats in the background.

Lobster boats!

Boston! No idea what the building is of, but the architecture is awesome there!

back alley!

The roads used to all look like this! Crazy! But the richy rich people wanted real roads to drive their fancy cars on.... grr rich people!

There were some pretty badass graveyards here. It was established I think in the 1600s. This is Ben Franklins mothers gravestone (I think). But his parents were both burried here.