Time for toys and time for cheer.
We've been good, but we can't last,
Hurry Christmas, Hurry fast.
Want a plane that loops the loop,
(Alvin:) Me, I want a Hula-Hoop.
We can hardly stand the wait,
Please Christmas don't be late."
--Alvin & the Chipmunks
Merry Christmas everyone! :)

Yup, doin it the old fasion way!

Ice skating at deep river water park with Ben (above), mom, Emma, Sarah, and Amanda

Emma and Amanda (not me, the other Amanda ;) )

Okay, so I know this doesn't have anything to do with Christmas, but this is in my uncles basement where we spent Christmas Eve. He has tooooooonnns of football and baseball helmets, bats, football jerseys all over the basement! Its like a sport museum! Its pretty neat. He has a ton of lights down there too which make it look even more awesome! He also has a pretty sweet bar set up! We all had fun over there!

My sexy "little" sister!

Emma, Mom, and Sarah at Gary's house for Christmas Eve.

Our stockings! Lets hope Santa leaves us all something awesome! :)